Wednesday January 19 (tax included)
Cabbage Rolls with ground beef, Anson Mill’s Carolina Gold organic rice, fresh green onions and dill, topped with velvet lemon sauce with Barley Rusks from Crete
Stuffed tomato and Pepper with herbs & rice and roasted with potatoes
Greek lettuce salad (thinly sliced Romaine with dill and shallots in EVGE EVOO vinaigrette)
Lemon yoghurt olive oil cake
Orders must be received by 11am on the previous day. Specials include a salad and dessert and are all $15/meal. Pick up is between 3-4 or after 5 at 6818 Longbrook Road. Delivery between 5:30-6pm is complimentary on orders $75 or more. Any items from this website or other prepared food can be added to the order. Otherwise, there is a fee of $8 (or $5 for 3+ orders per week). If your order is not eligible for free delivery, please select the delivery option you would like on the Ambrosia weekly dinners page.